Friday, October 11, 2013

Chapter 8: Appalachia

Catskill Mountain 

The Appalachian Plateau is very large that it expands from Tug Hill to northern Alabama. Its elevation is about 1,000 feet to 3,000 feet. The Appalachian Plateau's highest mountains is the Catskills which is 4,000 feet high. The California Plateau rises to 10,000 feet on the eastern side.

Coal in the Appalachia has supplied a lot of electricity for America. People are very dependent of coal. Although there are great benefits, coal causes a lot of air pollution, acid rain, deforestation, and degradation of soil. Strip mining, was a type of mining method in the Appalachian Plateau. It was done by stripping rocks and soil from the top of the surface in order to get the coal from beneath the surface. According to Dan L. Mosier, writer of Tesla, the first commercial coal mine in California was the Coast Range. The Coast Range coal mine shipped coal to fuel-hungry factories in Stockton. It sold about 60 tons of coal. Although the Coast Range coal mine did not last long, in 1868 a group of Welsh miners opened Commercial coal mine. The most successful coal mine in California was the Tesla coal mine. This mine was opened by John Treadwell and he also organized the San Francisco and San Joaquin Coal Company. The Tesla mine produced more than 80,000 tons of coal per year.

Tesla Coal Mine 

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