Friday, October 11, 2013

Chapter 6: The Northern Atlantic Provinces and Northern New England

In the Northern New England, settlers focused on farming crops such as, blueberries and potatoes. In California people also grow crops. Agriculture is a huge contributor for the California economy. Since the last three decades, farming sales in California have quadrupled. For example, the San Diego agriculture is placed fourth on the county. San Diego's agriculture is productive because of the climate, water, and soil that is in San Diego.

   San Diego Agriculture

According to Bettey Sutton, from Lone Star College in Kingwood, during the Great Depression many people had lost hope because what was the land of opportunity was now a land of depression. American families' income had reduced from $2,300 to $1,500. Many people hoped to find some place where they could get back on track. Many families decide to move to California and start working in the agriculture fields. 

There are many crops grown in California. According to, California's number one products are milk and cream. The number one nation's dairy state is California. Also, California is known to grow some of the best grapes. California's grown products also include almonds, olives, raisins, walnuts, and many more. For the past fifty years, California has been the number one food and agriculture producer in the United States. 


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