Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chapter 2: The Nonhuman World

The Sacramento River

The Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River are California's most known rivers. Most of California's rivers are dammed as part of the Central Valley Project, planned in 1933 to regulate and store water to the agriculture in Central Valley, and the California State Water Project, which provides water for 23 million people. Another river in California is the Mojave River. The Mojave River is an underground river which means that most of the time its surface is dry. The Santa Ana River is Southern California's largest river. It is 96 miles long, rising in the San Bernardino Mountains flowing past San Bernardino and Riverside, and it drains about 2,650 square miles. 

Mojave River

Santa Ana River

One of the reasons why many people love California is because of the great weather. The weather is cool, rainy, and dry. It has a Mediterranean weather like. During the summer, it gets pretty hot in the valley and fogs form near the coast. California's highest temperature was 134 degrees Fahrenheit in July 1913 and the lowest was -45 degrees Fahrenheit in 1937. The climate can be influenced by the mountains. During the winter the mountains are covered in snow and during the summer the weather ranges from mild to moderate heat. 

Many people enjoy the summer time in California. The weather ranges from about 90 to a little over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. People love going to the beach to enjoy the hot sun and cold water. People love getting tans and playing games on the sand. Day time is not the only time people decide to go to the beach to cool off, nighttime is an even better time to visit the beach during the summer. 

Malibu Beach 

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