Monday, December 2, 2013

Chapter 20: Hawai'i


Hawaii is the only state in the United States that is made up entirely of islands. Honolulu is Hawaii's capital. The weather in Hawaii is warm and tropical. There are many beaches, active volcanoes, and it is surrounded by ocean waters. Hawaii attracts many tourists, such as surfers, biologist, and volcanologists. There are more than one million permanent residents along with visitors. The Hawaii's coastline is approximately 750 miles long. There are eight major islands in Hawaii. One is the Kaua'i island. It is the oldest of the eight islands of Hawaii. It was shaped by a single shield volcano about 5.5 million years ago. The Ni'ihau island is known as the "Forbidden Isle" and it is privately owned. The O'ahu island was formed by two volcanoes, the Waianae and Koolau. Approximately 80 percent of the state's population live in O'ahu. Moloka'i island is known as the "friendly isle." It's northern shore has the highest cliffs in the world which drops 3 thousand feet into the sea. Maui island was shaped 1.2 million years ago. There are  two volcanoes in the Maui island, the Pu'u Kukui and Haleakala. Lana'i is a company island. Many rich people either own a residence there or rent a great part of the island. Hawai'i is the "Big Island" and it is the youngest of all. It is bigger than all the islands combined. The island was shaped by five volcanoes.The last island is called Kaho'olawe and it is the smallest island in Hawaii. It is 11 miles long and 6.0 miles wide. 

Kauai Island


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